
Chinese Festivals

Chinese Fellowship Meetings


The Chinese Fellowship meeting takes place on the first Sunday of each month. The Fellowship meeting invites guest speakers to share topics in their professional field including theology, healthcare, psychology, financing, etc. To enjoy beautiful nature and weather, the outdoor Chinese Fellowship meetings followed by a pot-luck picnic are held at parks in the summer months.


Chinese Fellowship

Morning Glory Bible Study

The Morning Glory Bible Study group meets on Tuesday mornings at 9:30 am in the Heritage Room. Study has been about the next Sunday’s lectionary reading.
Sharing joys and concerns with each other starts the morning off and a coffee/tea break is held mid-morning. Leadership is shared.

We have not met during COVID-19 but material has been shared by email.
We look forward to meeting again in person.

United Church Women

The United Church Women’s purpose is “To unite the women of the congregation for the total mission of the Church and provide a medium through which they may express their loyalty and devotion to Jesus Christ in Christian witness, study, fellowship and service.”

Men's Group

Originally organized by Mr. Jim Bruce, the Knox Men’s Group was formed to give the men of the congregation fellowship opportunities in which they have actively participated; organizing and supporting special social events, such as our Pancake Suppers, Fall Fairs and even a Men’s Steak Dinner.

Lunch Bunch

Lunch Bunch is for anyone who wants to meet for lunch on the last Sunday of the month at 12:30 pm after the Church service. We enjoy conversation, laughter, and fellowship with a shared mealtime. If you would like to come to Lunch Bunch, please call the church office, 416-293-4424 x 0, to arrange to RSVP.

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