About Us

Who We Are

Knox United Church, Agincourt is a Congregation of The United Church of Canada and Shining Waters Regional Council, called by God to be a part of the Body of Christ in this community. The United Church Moderator is The Right Rev. Dr. Carmen Lansdowne.

The Congregation’s particular understanding of its purpose is described in its Mission Statement…

Meet Our Staff

Meet Our Staff

Knox United Church has six staff members.
To meet them, please read more.

Accessibility and Parking

Knox welcomes everyone to an accessible church community.

Wheelchair access is available from the parking lot to the North-West entry door to the Sanctuary. The elevator is available from the Sanctuary level in the Narthex/Lobby. Please ask for someone to accompany you in the elevator, for safety reasons.

Assistive hearing devices are available from the Audio System Operator at the rear of the Sanctuary.

For those who may have difficulty reading smaller size print, Large Print Bibles and Order of Service (Programme) handouts are available from the Ushers.

Windows of Faith

The Windows of Faith project began in 1997 and over the next five years, the windows in the sanctuary were restored and unique stained-glass window inserts were installed.
Read about these beautiful windows here.

Click here to watch a brief video tour of the Windows of Faith.

Knox History

Knox Church was established as a Free Presbyterian Church in 1848 with 40 members. In 1925, most members voted to join the United Church of Canada and since then the congregation has been known as Knox United Church.

Knox Church Cemetery

Knox Church Cemetery truly reflects the heritage of the Agincourt community which was settled and flourished in the early 1800’s.


Where do you fit?

The Leadership Development Committee invites you to volunteer and participate in the Life and Work of Knox.  

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