Where Do You Fit?

An Invitation to Volunteer and Participate in Knox Activities and Committees

Knox is a Congregation of the United Church of Canada,
called by God to be a part of
the Body of Christ in this community.

Our Mission:
We are called, challenged and committed
to enriching lives through actively responding
to the love of God as revealed in the risen Lord Jesus Christ.

How would you like to
and participate in
Knox Committee and Group activities?

There are many opportunities for members and friends of Knox to participate in the ongoing activities at Knox, including worship, church school, groups, projects and committees.


The Chinese Fellowship organizes many activities for members of the Chinese community and also celebrates the Moon Festival and Chinese New Year / Spring Festival each year with the whole congregation.We also have an English / Mandarin service in the Church on the first Sunday of each month.

The Chancel Choir and Hand-bell Choir, enhance the services under the leadership of our Director of Music. Choir members practice on Thursday evenings and lead in worship each Sunday and in special musical presentations. The Hand-bell Choir practices after worship on Sundays and leads in worship from time to time.

The United Church Women (UCW) meet on the first Tuesday afternoon of each month.

The Knox Men’s Group meets weekly on Thursday mornings.

The Minister offers Bible Study at various times throughout the year.

The Alpha team introduces the basics of the Christian faith. They offer the Alpha course, Bible studies, and courses like prayer, and parenting.

The Knox Nearly New Shop offers the community gently used clothing at low prices. The shop is operated by volunteers and is located on the upper floor (loft area) of the Christian Centre.
It is open from 1 to 3 pm on Wednesday afternoons and opens on the first Saturday of the month from 11 to 1 pm.

Food support through the Agincourt Community Services Association (ACSA) is organized by the Outreach Committee.

The Knox Council Chair and Secretary, in cooperation with the Minister and the Executive, provide leadership at Council and Congregational meetings.

Knox Council Members at Large are elected annually to represent the Congregation in discussions and decisions in monthly meetings of the Knox Council.

The Christian Education Committee along with the Coordinator for Children and Young Families develops and supports the Christian education of children and youth and promotes fellowship programs for children and families.

The Communications Committee leads the preparation of the online worship services and oversees the website www.myknox.ca

An Events Committee can provide opportunities for fellowship and fun and, in the course of these events, raise funds for Knox.  The Fall Fair, GST Auction and special dinners are some of the events.

The Finance and Administration Committee is responsible for the oversight of the finances of the Congregation including coordination with the Treasurer in the development of annual budgets. It also reviews monthly and annual actual results and arranges for bankers, counters and ushers as needed.

The Memorial Committee receives memorial gifts and considers and implements ideas or projects for the use of the gifts.

The Ministry and Personnel Committee is responsible for staffing matters related to our ministers and other staff.


The Outreach Committee extends a helping hand to those in need in a caring and supportive way through various organizations such as the Agincourt Community Services Association (ACSA). It also encourages the Congregation to support the United Church of Canada’s Mission and Service and monitors and supports social, political and justice issues.

The Pastoral Care Committee with support from the Minister of Visitation provides for the care and support of members of the Congregation and ensures regular contact is maintained with every active member and adherent of the Congregation. Visiting Elders share the task of pastoral care with the Ministers.

The Property Committee is responsible for the use and maintenance of Church property, furnishings and equipment.

The Stewardship Committee is responsible for the overall stewardship of the Congregation – the faithful use of both financial and spiritual gifts.

The Worship Committee, under the direction of the Lead Minister and Music Director, is responsible for the co-ordination of all worship services and the oversight of the use, care and decoration of the Sanctuary.

The Board of Trustees has specific responsibilities for property matters, as outlined in the United Church Manual.  The primary responsibility of the Board is the management of its investment portfolios with the assistance of an investment advisor as needed.

The Knox Church Cemetery Board is responsible for all matters pertaining to the Knox Church Cemetery. 

The Leadership Development Committee nominates members and adherents to serve as members of the Church Council, committees and Visiting Elders.

To volunteer, please click on the Volunteer Response Form which you can complete and either leave on the offering plate on Sunday or email to the Chair of Leadership Development at [email protected].

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