
In the 1893 History Of The Church, it was noted that “In few churches is the Congregational singing so hearty as in Knox Church”. This was before a pump organ was installed in 1893 and the Casavant organ in 1928. The Casavant organ has been enhanced over the years and there is also a grand piano in the sanctuary.

Chancel Choir

Ross Inglis, Director of Music, and a dedicated choir, lead the music at every service. The congregational hymns are sung with power or fragility, wonder and trust, sadness and joy. A wide range of anthems is offered in worship with many new pieces added to the choir’s repertoire on an ongoing basis. Choir practice is on Thursday evenings, with a brief rehearsal at 9:30 am on Sundays.

Recent Worship Services

Handbell Choir

On several Sundays each year, the Handbell Choir, led by Ross Inglis, provides special music. The Handbell Choir practices on Sunday afternoons.

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