In-person Worship & Church School:
Information and Guidelines
(updated October 2022)

While masking is no longer mandatory, it is strongly encouraged that masks or face coverings that cover your nose, mouth and chin continue to be worn inside the church building.

Welcome to Knox United Church and our in-person Sunday Worship Service and Church School Guidelines.

If you have any new, different (than an existing health condition) or worsening symptoms or signs listed below on Sunday morning, you must stay home.  Self-isolate and get tested or contact a health care provider.

  • Fever or chills
  • Cough
  • Trouble breathing
  • Decrease or loss of smell or taste
  • Nausea, vomiting or diarrhea
  • Very tired, sore muscles or joints

Please do not enter the church if you:

Before You Come to Worship

  • Return to services only when you feel you are ready
  • Self-screen: Stay home if unwell

If you are not feeling well on Sunday morning, or if you have been asked to quarantine by a  health care professional, it is very important that you do not come to worship.

When You Arrive

  • Wearing a mask is no longer mandatory, but it is encouraged.
  • Sanitize your hands and obtain a Worship folder.

The church doors facing Midland Ave. will open 40 minutes before the service and we ask that you arrive no later than 10 minutes before the service. 

You are encouraged to wear masks or face coverings that cover your nose, mouth and chin in the church building. 

In the Sanctuary

  • No food or drink.
  • Obtain a Worship folder.
  • Follow ushers to your seat.

As you enter the sanctuary, there will be ushers handing our Worship folders for you to pick up.  Ushers will take you to your seat.  Please note that you may not be able to sit in your regular pew!

Invitation to Worship

Leaving the Sanctuary

  • After the service is over, proceed to an exit while you maintain physical distancing.
  • Offering plates will be located at the exits.

Once the service is over, we ask that you leave the sanctuary.  Offering plates and recycle bins for your bulletins will be set out near the exits.

Things will definitely look and feel different as we continue our journey toward full reopening in the future, but by following the protocols recommended by our health care professionals at this time, we are doing all we can to ensure that worship at Knox is a positive and safe experience for all who attend.

NOTE:  In line with guidelines set out by Toronto Public Health, every reasonable precaution has been and will continue to be taken by Knox United Church to protect your health and well-being.  However, there can be no guarantees of complete protection due to the higher risks of contracting viral infection through larger gatherings. 

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