Chinese Festivals 中国节日

We host the Chinese New Year and Moon Festival celebration parties every year. As the biggest events for Chinese Fellowship, more than 150 guests attend and contribute abundant delicious Chinese cuisine for the pot-luck dinner. Beautiful dance and wonderful musical performances offered by performers with various cultural backgrounds and genres. Not only for the Chinese community, but these parties have also become intercultural celebration events for the entire Knox congregation. 

每年农历春节和中秋节,中文部都将举办庆祝联欢晚会。作为中文部举办的大型活动,每场晚会都有超过 150 位来宾参加,大家为晚宴提供了丰富的佳肴。由来自不同文化、语言及艺术流派的表演者共同合作,晚会的节目表演精彩纷呈。联欢晚会已不仅属于华人社区,也已成为整个Knox教会的系列庆祝活动之一。

The 2022 Lunar New Year Party was again held via Zoom.  The Chinese Fellowship organized a delightful evening of entertainment.  

Two videos were produced by members of the Chinese Fellowship and presented during the party.  You are invited to click the pictures below to watch the videos.

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